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LDmicro Forum - How to add other PICs

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How to add other PICs (by Sam Garrett)
Is it possible for users to add new PICs? For example, could there be a .INI or .CFG file to read the PIC information into LDmicro, and allow users to add other controllers to be used? If the capability exists now, please let me know. If it doesnt currently exist, could that be an enhancement?

Tue Mar 9 2010, 21:40:58
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
There's enough variation among the PICs that such a file would not be straightforward. The registers move around, and the bits within the registers move around, and sometimes the peripherals even work a bit differently. So the file format, and whatever code interpreted it, would be very complex.

And in practice, I doubt there are many people who would have the skill to construct such a .ini file, but lack the skill to modify mcutable.h and recompile LDmicro. So I doubt it would make life much easier.
Wed Mar 10 2010, 23:41:11
(no subject) (by BoumPower)
I think it could be a very good idea to have mcu info in .ini file.

I'm still writing compiler to produce vmMachine code, and I started also to include C code generation, that will be helpfull to use with any kind of mcu

Attached below a example of code produced...
Thu Mar 11 2010, 09:50:01, download attachment demo.c
(no subject) (by Sam Garrett)
How about adding a couple of 16Fxx chips, since the 16F628 is getting scarce and more expensive than some of its counterparts. For example, 16F648A and 16F883 would be good choices (good program size, less than the 628 or 88).
Fri Mar 12 2010, 21:22:38
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