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LDmicro Forum - startup problems with the serial

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startup problems with the serial (by Aldemir da Silva)
Congratulations for the excellent software.
I made a small program to a device for protection of diesel engines for REACH STACKER. This device continuously measures the water temperature, oil temperature, oil pressure, and also checks the integrity of the sensors and the shutdow engine in case of failure. The device has a total of hours and a counter of containers handled, such data are saved in eeprom.
I use a serial LCD, and when the boot device appear at line character serial number that hinder the LCD at startup because it nescessita receive ASCII - 13 to be fed (crystalfontz the specification).
As a temporary solution late to start the LCD in 5 sec (T_delay_lcd = 5.000).
How can I solve this problem?

PS. sorry for poor English
Sun Aug 2 2009, 22:18:04, download attachment cummins_2_calib_20_03.ld
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
I don't completely understand.

But I would note that there's no need to use that lookup table and the single-character serial instructions. The "formatted string" op allows you to send arbitrary ASCII codes (\xAB for hex 0xAB), so you could use that instead.

At the very least that would simplify your code. And maybe that would make the problem more obvious.
Tue Aug 4 2009, 22:06:36
Hi, Jonathan Westhues have a concern, I did a test with the program by Aldemar da Silva "cummins_2_calib_20_03.ld" which is made for a pic 16F877, then I copilarlo with an AVR, test the AVR64 and AVR32 but gives me the program gives me the following error, "internal error at line 374 file! cpp avr!, meaning that it fails.
Fri Aug 7 2009, 20:45:20
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
That's because a BRGE branch was for more than +/- 64 instructions. If the compiler were smarter then it would rewrite that to a test and then an IJMP or something. But it's not, so it fails.

That problem will occur when there's very long rungs; in this case, that big PWL table. If you remove that then you'll be able to compile.
Fri Aug 7 2009, 23:13:28
Startup Problems with Serial (by Aldemir da Silva)
Grateful for your attention.
My question was not clear, I try to explain better.
Look at the piece of code attached.
When I run the software it starts to send for serial line, even if I do not want.
This problem always occurs with "formatted String Over UART" and prevent the correct startup of the serial LCD.

In the startup of my program, the LCD receives serial commands to clean the LCD, hide the cursor and position it in line 1 and column 1.
The command sequence is:
254 = the LCD warns that the next character is a command.
1 = clear the LCD
254 prefix =
12 = hide the cursor
254 prefix =
128 = cursor position in row 1 and column 1
To send these commands I use only "send UART.
I use this structure to print on the LCD 5 variables in two different screens.

Sat Aug 8 2009, 12:07:40, download attachment adc-multich (2).ld
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