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LDmicro Forum - Driving two 20 chars LCD HD44780 compatible with 16F877

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Driving two 20 chars LCD HD44780 compatible with 16F877 (by HGR)
I have posted this solution in a sub tread. As they are not always reviewed, I post here.
This is bassed in the original work of Jonathan "LDmicroLCD16X2.ld".
Timers T2 and T5 are for delaying the data sending to LCDs.
Depending on program lenght may be deleted.
The used memory is 35% program and 16% ram, so there is enough
room for the rest of the program.
Tested on ISIS and hardware.
Wed Apr 15 2020, 17:35:13, download attachment LCD-44780.RAR
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Como se harķa para un LCD de 4 lineas.
How would you do for a 4-line LCD
Thu Apr 16 2020, 09:30:41
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