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LDmicro Forum - pwm example

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pwm example (by Chris R)
Hi I must say you ladder program works really well thanks for letting us use it im using the atmega16.

I was wondering if you had a pwm example as I am having difficulty working it out.


Fri Jul 31 2009, 03:46:09
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
See the example. The output frequency is always 1.00 kHz, and the duty cycle is either 50% or 75%, depending on the state of Xin.
Fri Jul 31 2009, 03:55:15, download attachment pwm-simple.ld
thanks (by Chris R)
Thanks ill give it a go
Sat Aug 1 2009, 03:44:00
thanks (by ayfotec)
thank you Chris R and Jonathan Westhues
Sat Oct 10 2009, 04:48:54
THANKS (by Augusto Fellipe)
It was very useful for controlling a servo 9g. thanks
Sat Mar 13 2010, 21:32:31
Can we change the PWM frequency on the fly (by Ranjit)
I want to change the PWM frequency on some condition.
How can I do it.
For example if input is open PWM frequency will be 1khz with 50% duty/
if the same input in close PWM frequency will be 500hz with 50% duty.
Tue Oct 29 2013, 03:09:22
PWM fundamentals and reasons to be joyful (by Ziggy)

Purpose of PWM output is to provide ( generally speaking ) a variable DC signal.
Maintaining same duty cycle but altering base frequency will not alter average DC value.

Whay do You require PWM facility?
Tue Oct 29 2013, 16:43:55
pwm Para brushless (by Mariano)

necesito controlar un speed control de un motor brushless con un PIC16f628, probé con LDMICRO Y NO PUEDE HACER CICLOS MENORES A 1ms
¿depende del micro o programa?

desde ya agradezco toda ayuda

Sun Jul 5 2015, 19:51:46
(no subject) (by MGP)
Ldmicro is too slow for generating brushless motor pwm signals.
Mon Jul 6 2015, 04:57:14
PWM 08 Output (by Tran viet Dung)
Hi all, How to Using more than one out put PWM (example: have 08 PWM out put on AVR Atmega328P). Thank you so much
Wed Jul 8 2015, 23:58:22
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