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LDmicro Forum - washing machine

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washing machine (by pacifico felici)
my program for washing machine, no problem in simulation mode, but loading on 16f877a at start pushbutton, the microcontroller go to off. necessary reset for new cyclo
Mon Apr 22 2019, 11:37:47, download attachment dubix 6 puls. 21 aprile.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Your program is too large to oversee everything.
What I did notice is that your programming technique is not optimal and I suspect that the cause of the failure is the use of the MASTER RLY instruction, because everything in between those 2 instructions is turned off.

Why you use an OSF or OSR everywhere and behind it a TOF is beyond me.
A cycle time of 50mS is too much, use 10 or 20mS.
Use a TON (10 or 20mS) after each push button.
An OSR instruction to a CRC is not necessary.

We can't say anything about the hardware because we don't see the diagram.
Tue Apr 23 2019, 02:10:41
(no subject) (by Zoran)
Try to change BOD level from enable to disable to reset it self on 2,6V not on 4V (default) and You need for PIC large capacitors in supply I put 9600uF, if You are using contactors on 220V You need snubber or change to 24V dc coil.
Fri Aug 2 2019, 12:58:46
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