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LDmicro Forum - PIC16F84A

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PIC16F84A (by Jamari)
Appreciate if you can let me know if LDmicro work with PICF84A

Wed Jan 13 2010, 11:35:18
no subject (by simon)
hi jamari

ldmicro don't suport pic16f84(A) . If is ok with Jonathan , i will attache an very old equivalent of ldmicro which suport only pic16f84(A) . The originaly web page don't exist enimore .
If is ok i will attache tomorow the program .
Wed Jan 13 2010, 13:46:26
(no subject) (by Naor)
Hi simon.
Can you attache the program for the pic 16f84(a).
Fri Jan 15 2010, 04:52:06
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Can you explain why you want to use the PIC16F84? It has been obsolete for years. And compared to e.g. the PIC16F628A (which is pin-compatible), it costs more, has less memory, and fewer peripherals.
Fri Jan 15 2010, 05:10:51
(no subject) (by simon)
The program is Picbit . Unzip the files in the same folder were you have the Mpasm asembler and delete the Mpasm.exe from picbit.zip file becose not runing on xp . If you have a new release of MPlab you need to unzip files in the same folder with Mpasmwin and rename the original Mpasmwin.exe to Mpasm.exe or in picbit menu Tools/ Conf./ change the configuration from Mpasm.exe to Mpasmwin.exe . In the same config file you set the cristal frequence .
I hope it helps you .
Fri Jan 15 2010, 08:06:27, download attachment picbit.zip
thenks (by Naor)
Hi saimon and Jonathan ,
Thenks for the program.
I jest wont to see the program becose of Curiosity.
Sat Jan 16 2010, 16:43:39
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