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LDmicro Forum - Writing a value to PWM

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Writing a value to PWM (by Juan)
Hi Jonathan.

Is it possible that you could make the frequency changeable in the PWM coil.

E.g. so that you can write to the frequency via a move instruction.
Wed Jan 6 2010, 00:05:46
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
It would be possible. But the actual register that gets written is an integer divisor from the CPU clock, not a frequency; so it would again have to do a conversion behind your back (and might cause some confusion, because that conversion is non-linear so the resolution isn't constant), or expose that complexity to the user.

The AVR has an even coarser set of options, so the option would be even less useful there.
Thu Jan 7 2010, 03:40:07
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