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LDmicro Forum - servo arduino

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servo arduino (by markjacob)
I tried compiling sketch of the servo ladder diagram from github
and simulate it to its given proteus diagram and it doesnt work

I did not change any pins or instructions, just compile sketch, and create a binary file

I used the latest LD-micro software
Sun Sep 2 2018, 01:16:19
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
I rechecked the example and I don't see the errors.
1)Try unzipping the hex from the zip, and simulate it in Proteus.
2)Then try recompile LD to hex, and simulate in Proteus.
The results should be equal.
Sun Sep 2 2018, 15:48:53
(no subject) (by mark jacob)
I compiled it using arduino IDE, still doesnt work

or compile it directly using ldmicro??
Sun Sep 2 2018, 22:30:03
(no subject) (by mark jacob)
I uploaded the zipped hex file on proteus and the input pin turned red and worked, then i tried compiling the ld file using Arduino IDE and upload it to proteus then the input pins turned blue and doesnt work
Sun Sep 2 2018, 22:35:26
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Use menu "Compile" -> "Compile HEX -> ASM"

I will check Arduino.
Mon Sep 3 2018, 04:13:23
(no subject) (by markjacob)
The compile Hex -> ASM works so i tried again on Arduino IDE, still doesnt wok, i used LD-micro V4.4.2.0
Mon Sep 3 2018, 06:00:28
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