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LDmicro Forum - Entering timer value from variable resistance & machine operating hours program

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Entering timer value from variable resistance & machine operating hours program (by Ahmad sakr)
Dear friends
First I want to make a program for a timer which takes his time value from variable resistance (like classic timers)
The timer value in ldmicro must be entered numeric only like counter also.
Is it possible to to move the value from ADC or mathematical value (+, *) to be entered to timer or a counter value ?

Second if I want to display how many seconds after the timer was energized (run),like making operating hours for a machine and display messages after 100 hrs, 1000 hrs for maintenance intervals.
Could anyone please provide me with operating hours program and maintenance interval?
Tue Apr 3 2018, 10:45:18
(no subject) (by MGP)
So you are looking for a personal programmer ;-)
Tue Apr 3 2018, 16:52:05
(no subject) (by Ahmad sakr)
Dear MGP
Not as you think. The idea I want to discuss.
In the real plc you can enter timer or counter value from hmi then move it to the timer or counter (also before moving you can make some mathematical process and converting processes between data types {integer, long, word......)
Also you can can have operating hours function in real plc
Really I am not facing any project nowadays.
The idea started from first part entering time value from variable resistance.
Sorry I'm new in ldmicro but I have a question is that I can specify the data type for counter or in mathematical operations?
Tue Apr 3 2018, 18:00:15
(no subject) (by MGP)
You can make everything you want but you need some practicing and imagination.

Here you have a potentiometer adjustable timer with a multiplication factor,from mS to hours.
Wed Apr 4 2018, 07:44:52, download attachment Timer.ld
(no subject) (by Ahmad sakr)
Thank you MGP very much, now I understand the program which you attached.
And sorry for any confusion as I am newbie to ldmicro.
Wed Apr 4 2018, 13:52:43
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