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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.8

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LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.8 (by Ihor Nehrutsa)

== Release 4.3.8

* Fixed: persist not execute #34

* Fixed: CTC counter set a size of var.

* Fixed: ADC pin mapping for Arduino in ladder_.h.

* Updated: SetBit, ClearBit, IfBitSet, IfBitClear.
var must be a variable, not a literal value.
The size of var must be from 1 to 4 bytes.
bit can be a literal number or a variable.
bit can have a value of 0-7 if sizeof(var) == 1 byte,
0-15 if sizeof(var) == 2 bytes,
0-23 if sizeof(var) == 3 bytes,
0-31 if sizeof(var) == 4 bytes.


* Updated: Spanish locale. Thanks, Toni Tin.

* Wiki: SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface

* Wiki: Copy, paste, cut, etc
Thu Feb 8 2018, 15:47:43, download attachment build438.zip
LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.8.1 (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
* Fixed: persist in AVR
Sat Feb 10 2018, 18:26:46, download attachment build4381.zip
Build 4.3.8 - instruction EQU (by Zdenek Hajek)
The EQU instruction does not always work correctly with the negative values of the variables.
Mon Feb 26 2018, 04:40:36, download attachment stepper.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Yes, it's a bug, only Ihor can fix it.

If you use 0xFFFF which is equal to -1 then it works.

Attached an example of you program, the same variable, once with the value -1 and once with the value 0xFFFF.
Mon Feb 26 2018, 10:43:58, download attachment Snap92.jpg
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
This bug only in simulation mode.
Will fix in next release.
Wed Feb 28 2018, 10:32:35
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