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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.7

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LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.7 (by Ihor Nehrutsa)

== Release 4.3.7

* Fixed: Atmega2560 pins name and Arduino Mega 2560 pins name.

* Fixed: Atmega2560 9/10-bit PWM.

* Fixed: ATmega328 9/10-bit PWM.

* Fixed: ATmega8 9/10-bit PWM.

* Fixed: PIC 9/10bits PWM LSBs.

* Fixed: READ_ADC in Arduino Sketch.

* Updated: ADC simulation.

* Updated: LDSTUB to LDSTUB0 and LDSTUB1 in ANSIC.
#define USE_WDT in ANSIC.

* Updated: The DELAY(us) element, the variable duration is implemented.

* New: TIME2DELAY(us)operation converts the time interval
to the internal representation of the variable DELAY().

* Wiki: DELAY(us) with variable duration

* New: SetBit, ClearBit, IfBitSet, IfBitClear is implemented.
To PIC's controllers used BCF, BSF, BTFSC, BTFSS instruction.
To AVR's controllers used SBR, CBR, SBRC, SBRS, SBIC, SBIS instruction.

* Wiki: SetBit, ClearBit, IfBitSet, IfBitClear in variable

* Added: clear.bat to delete LDmicro output temp files.
Wed Jan 31 2018, 08:57:48, download attachment build437.zip
(no subject) (by Antonio)
thank you very much.

Wed Jan 31 2018, 09:39:40
Please translate lang-xx-diffs.txt (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Wed Jan 31 2018, 10:49:32
(no subject) (by Ahmad sakr)
Dear Ihor
Thanks for your great work
Very simple note which have no effect, when using 2 analog input in arduino and make compile sketch for arduino the ladder. H provides all analog as A0 not like digital
Again thanks
Thu Feb 1 2018, 02:09:23
(no subject) (by Rajeev)
Thanks a lot.

Best Regards.
Thu Feb 1 2018, 06:18:41
Please translate lang-xx-diffs.txt (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
LDmicro localization

Only Spanish locale is updated today. Thanks, Toni Tin.

Does any give more?
Thu Feb 8 2018, 06:13:25
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