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LDmicro Forum - Gift of the new year

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Gift of the new year (by Ahmad sakr)
Dear friends
We need you please give us the gift (present) of the new year
Could you please open (compile sketch to arduino)
You give us the happiness as we need more and more
So please be Santa claus and open something else.
May be a lot of friends agree with me.
Any way thanks a lot for the good software.
Happy new year
Mon Jan 1 2018, 01:24:53
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Too few votes were given for this suggestion.
Please, have a little patience.

Release 4.3.4
* New: Available features
"Compile HEX->ASM"
"Compile Sketch for ARDUINO"
"Compile AVR-GCC, Atmel AVR Toolchain, WinAVR C"
"Compile CodeVisionAVR C"
"Compile HEX->ASM"
"Compile HI-TECH C for PIC"
"Compile CCS C for PIC"
See http://cq.cx/ladder-forum.pl?a...;parent=6731&tt=1514541894
Wed Jan 10 2018, 17:49:57
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