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LDmicro Forum - ATMega128

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ATMega128 (by Boris)
Why when program is more than 50% of memory it stop working.
Under 50% everything OK
Compiled with v4.1.3, v4.0.B, v3.4.0
Tue Jan 31 2017, 08:52:55, download attachment Komplet.ld
(no subject) (by Boris)
This is 47% works OK
Tue Jan 31 2017, 08:54:37, download attachment Komplet smanjen LCDpromenjeno.ld
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
You can provide more details?
Description and scheme, Proteus files.
If you wish to confidentiality please contact to
[email protected]
Tue Jan 31 2017, 10:25:22
(no subject) (by MGP)
The Komplet.hex file is 200kB and the other is 173kB, how do you do that to program this in a 128kB flash memory?
I can only dream of this with pic's ;-)
Tue Jan 31 2017, 11:34:23
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)

LDmicro uses I8HEX format and Komplet.ld overload
AAAA addres field.

This is frament of Komplet.ld:

: 10 FFE0 00 908195FF06C0E4EBF1E09081977F9083 CC
: 10 FFF0 00 05C0E4EBF1E090819062908305C0E4EB F2 <<< overload here
: 10 0000 00 F1E090819F7D9083E4EBF1E0908193FF 9C <<<
: 10 0010 00 05C0E4EBF1E0908194609083E4EBF1E0 C3
| || |||| || || ||
| || |||| || || CC->Checksum
| || |||| || DD->Data
| || |||| TT->Record Type
| || AAAA->Address
| LL->Record Length

wait v4.1.4
Tue Jan 31 2017, 15:14:59
(no subject) (by Boris)
To Ihor,
I am not programmer I am only user of Your program, Your explanation I do not understand I compile file and I hope it will work. I need only 10% more to finish project (labeling machine it has two step motors) I can post schematics of my atmega board if that helps.

When v4.1.4 will be ready, can we use then atmega128 in full?

This file "etiketirka" is only half (48%) what You can put in ATMega128 can You imagine what can we do if Ihor fixes problem sky is the limit.
About how 174kB is 48% from 128kB I can't answer You that maybe
Ihor can.
Tue Jan 31 2017, 16:47:52, download attachment Etiketirka.ld
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Boris
Yes, full ATmega128 Flash program memory.
128 Kbytes Flash program memory == 65Kwords Flash program memory.
Tue Jan 31 2017, 17:26:11
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to MGP
Intel HEX is a file format that conveys binary information in ASCII text form.
Encoding efficiency of IHEX format is ~<50%.
Tue Jan 31 2017, 17:42:50
(no subject) (by Boris)
to Ihor

When v4.1.4 will be ready or at least fix for ATMega128
Wed Feb 1 2017, 09:13:31
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
== Release 4.1.4
HotFix: Fixed 32K words (64K bytes) 50% flash program memory limit of the hex file. Affected ATmega128, ATmega2560, AT90USB647.
Wed Feb 1 2017, 09:26:58, download attachment build414.zip
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