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LDmicro Forum - Compiling default for a 16F877A

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Compiling default for a 16F877A (by MGP)

It is a lot of work to choose default for a 16F877A instead of the 16F877 ?

It seems that PICkit2 programmer do not want to compile a 16F877A with a hex file of LDmicro a 16F877, it gives a "device error".
A 16F877 is too old.

It is not urgent, maybe for a future update if not to much work.

My programmer does not look to it but some students have problems with it, I hear.
Tue Jan 3 2017, 13:07:18
(no subject) (by MGP)
It seems that PICkit2 programmer do not want **** to compile*** program a 16F877A with a hex file of LDmicro a 16F877, it gives a "device error".

Sorry, a mistake...
Tue Jan 3 2017, 13:16:06
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