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LDmicro Forum - multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4067BP

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multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4067BP (by hassan)
How to use circuits
16-channel analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer Philips HEF4067BP
Sun Dec 4 2016, 17:35:25, download attachment HEF4067BP.pdf
multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4067BP (by hassan)
Multiplexers and demultiplexers are often confused with one another by students first learning about
them. Although they appear similar, they certainly perform different functions. Shown here is a multiplexer
and a demultiplexer, each using a multiple-position switch symbol to indicate the selection functions inside
the respective circuits:
Sun Dec 4 2016, 18:58:39, download attachment multiplexer& demultiplexer.jpg
(no subject) (by MGP)
Multiplex = many to one
Demultiplex = one to many

Because the HEF4067 is bidirectional, it can be used in in both cases.
Most of the cases with controllers it will be used as multiplexer to have more analog inputs.

In this case you need 3 outputs (select input) and 1 analog input.
Mon Dec 5 2016, 02:43:06
(no subject) (by MGP)
I was referring to your JPG drawing, a HEF4067 needs 4 output and 1 analog input.
Mon Dec 5 2016, 02:47:21
multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4067BP (by hassan)
Thank you very much for the information ( MGP )
I could not deal with it in a language ladder
I hope you to help me so I can be used in both cases in the language ladder. Thank you
Mon Dec 5 2016, 09:27:24
(no subject) (by MGP)
Here you have a multiplexer program.
16 inputs and using only 5 controller IO's

Try to understand it and then you can make a demultiplexer yourself.

It can be made shorter when using a shift register but so it's far better to understand how it works.

Good luck
Mon Dec 5 2016, 13:53:14, download attachment HEF4067-multiplexer.ld
multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4067BP (by hassan)
Thank you so much for your interest I got information It was most generous of you
Thank you so much (MGP)
Mon Dec 5 2016, 15:19:54
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