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LDmicro Forum - LCD I2C interface

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LCD I2C interface (by mazda)
Dear, How about display text on LCD1602 by I2C interface with AVR Atmega chip in LDmicro program. Please help me do it. Thank you!
Mon Nov 30 2015, 20:51:55
LCD (by mazda)
LCD I2C interface (by mazda)
Dear, How about display text on LCD1602 by I2C interface with AVR Atmega chip in LDmicro program. Please help me do it. Thank you!
Mon Nov 30 2015, 20:54:02, download attachment LCD1602 I2C interface.jpg
(no subject) (by Alex)
Is it possible to use a lcd 16x2 with LDmicro?
Sun Jan 10 2016, 17:25:49
(no subject) (by Alex)
Does the i2c interfaz have a Rx pin?
Wed Jan 13 2016, 11:11:21
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