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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro with ARM 32-bit microcontroller

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LDmicro with ARM 32-bit microcontroller (by Sid)

I would like to know if LDmicro is compatible with ARM 32-bit microcontrollers.

If not compatible now, are there any chances of making it compatible in future with 32-bit ARM microcontrollers?

We are using ARM CPU for our products, and desperately eager to use our PLC ladder logic in LDmicro for the development of our new product (circuit breaker/recloser).

I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this.

Sun Sep 13 2015, 22:44:12
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
It can't generate native code; but almost any ARM processor should be fast enough to run the bytecode interpreter.
Sun Sep 13 2015, 22:57:22
(no subject) (by Sid)
I wonder if anyone has tested LDmicro on 32-bit ARM processor.

Anyone having a bit experience on 32-bit ARM with LDmicro can help me, or share source file etc. would be highly appreciated.

Mon Sep 14 2015, 00:54:00
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