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LDmicro Forum - Adding Pic16f1847 to LDMicro

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Adding Pic16f1847 to LDMicro (by Qia)
Hi there!

I have little experience in C and also in programing uControllers.

So because I have a couple of pic16f1847 I would like to know if it is possible to edit LDMicro source code to support this particularly PIC even without many knowledge in C.

If it is possible could someone please give me a hint on how to do it and what an already supported pic is more compatible for editing with pic16f1847 registers/built in peripherals?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Sat Feb 14 2015, 07:18:07
(no subject) (by MGP)
Too much work, read also this:


You can read the supported pic's in the Setting menu.
Sat Feb 14 2015, 09:11:49
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