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LDmicro Forum - problem with multiple outputs

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problem with multiple outputs (by JOHN)
this seems to work in the sim but if you watch the states they dont change whats wrong?
Sun Aug 24 2014, 00:29:11, download attachment COUNTDOWNTIMER.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Delete all the OSF instructions because your program runs 1 time and after that it stops.

Better use a circulair counter CRC for the scanning sequence.
Sun Aug 24 2014, 02:44:16
problem with multiple outputs (by JOHN)
i got it figured out stupid ladder logic it is supposed to run once each time ( XTIMEING ) goes high .. left to right in my rungs had to rewrite and call each separate internal relay
Sun Aug 24 2014, 23:17:31, download attachment COUNTDOWNTIMERBOOTNOZERO.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Here's a program with a different approach.
Easier to maintain, and not so long.
Mon Aug 25 2014, 14:41:27, download attachment COUNTDOWNTIMERBOOTNOZERO_short.ld
(no subject) (by JOHN)
thanx MGP but im not sure you understood my program let me explain this is for a 2 digit led display made up of single 8mm leds to form segments during first power applied it goes through boot test running each segment to go around in a circle the the last center segment now its ready for timeing input when timeing goes high it lights segemnts to form 10 then 9 then 8 then 7 ect...to 0 then it gives a close output if timeing goes back low segments go out and reset to 10 and wait for next timeing input i know this can be programed into the pic but im not good at programing so i decided to try to do it with ladder logic as that seemed easier to me
Mon Aug 25 2014, 17:21:46
(no subject) (by Boris)
Jonathan example for 3 digit display
Tue Aug 26 2014, 01:35:29, download attachment 7seg-display-analog.ld
(no subject) (by JOHN)
thanx all the help all
Tue Aug 26 2014, 01:57:06
(no subject) (by MGP)
I thought it was a countdown counter with leds.
It's always better to attach a schematic and add comment in the programs.
Tue Aug 26 2014, 02:41:10
interface 74hc595 (by meiyazhakan)
how to use multiple out put
Wed Aug 27 2014, 12:39:15
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