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LDmicro Forum - problem with pic16f628a

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problem with pic16f628a (by joao)
Hello, I made a program to count two variables using two inputs. These variables control three outputs. The first output is activated when the two variables are equal, the second is activated when the first variable is greater than 2, and the third is activated when the second variable is greater than 2. When I simulated the program on LDmicro, he was OK, but when I simulate on proteus, only the first output was working, the other did not work ... The PIC was 16F628A. My program is attached.
Fri May 23 2014, 23:12:24, download attachment programa ladder código.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
In real it works.
I think that Protheus has problems with negative numbers.
Try this attached programm and start with postive numbers.
Sat May 24 2014, 02:14:35, download attachment programaladdercdigo.ld
(no subject) (by joao)
I tried with your program but it continues with the same problem, if I write the program in C + + it works on proteus, is it a problem in LDmicro? I don't have the PIC recorder yet, so I could not test ...
Sat May 24 2014, 10:59:21
(no subject) (by MGP)
No, it's a problem in Proteus, it works on my breadboard.
Simulation programs cannot simulate everything.
Sat May 24 2014, 12:42:06
(no subject) (by Martin Torres Fortelli (torres.electronico))
hola JAO, estas teniendo en cuenta que cuando restas, quizas estes restando (-1) a cero? el resultado es negativo y por ende, quizas ahi arranque el problema...Yo asignaria primero un numero de inicio a la variable carroza (por ejemplo 1) y probaria hacer correr el programa...saludos
Tue May 27 2014, 22:06:31
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