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LDmicro Forum - mV step up

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mV step up (by Evan Raftery)
Is there an efficient way to convert a 0-50mV signal to 0-5V for the pic without going to a complicated multi stage voltage multiplier?

can this also be used to convert a thermocouple signal to 0-5V?
Sun Nov 1 2009, 04:16:51
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
You may be able to do it with a single stage non-inverting opamp; like

http://cq.cx/interface.pl#7 ,

but with a gain of 100 instead of 3.

The most important error terms will probably be the opamp's input offset voltage, and the device or resistor thermal noise. A chopper-stabilized opamp like the TC7652 has Vos less than +/- 5 uV, which is more than good enough. Noise may be dealt with by low-pass filtering the output, since the thermocouple signal is probably slow, tens of Hz at most.
Sun Nov 1 2009, 04:34:17
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