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LDmicro Forum - 7 Segment Counter

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7 Segment Counter (by TimBilt)
I too am working with 7 segment displays. Can someone help me with my less impressive program. I work a plant that bottles water and we have cap jams often when we run a certain size bottle. I want to count how many jams each day. My program will give me a total but I would like to have a count for each shift (day, swing & night).

How do a save a count every 8 hours? Then I would like to use the reset button to toggle between each shift's count and the total. See my program at line 4. Also what is the prefered method for making an internal clock? My clock will not be displayed.
Sun Jan 5 2014, 08:05:24, download attachment 7 Segment Counter.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
I have made an example how you can count and reset after 8 and 16 hours.

You can merge this with the 7segment display program, you can find in Samples.zip in this thread.


Good luck
Sun Jan 5 2014, 14:47:48, download attachment Day&night_counter.ld
(no subject) (by TimBilt)
Thank you MGP this was very helpful. And thanks again to Jonathan Westhues for this great program and forum.
Mon Jan 6 2014, 10:20:16
(no subject) (by Frank Pace)
I think your prgramma can not work, because the program reads the lines in sequence, and if the first septa ON and output to the next line in the system reads it off you can never have a smooth operation.
Mon Jan 6 2014, 16:57:07
(no subject) (by s.meiyazhakan)
sir please conver this code ld micro
Wed Jan 8 2014, 09:16:29, download attachment MC_16F72.asm
(no subject) (by MGP)
Come on, you have the code, and you want to convert them to LDmicro, a language that is not suitable.
LDmicro is a PLC program with many opportunities but also its limitations.

Use the code you have that is your only option.
Wed Jan 8 2014, 14:07:20
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