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LDmicro Forum - PIC16F887 PWM, please

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PIC16F887 PWM, please (by George)
Hey guys, had a new project which needed a PWM so I ordered a PIC16F887. I have never used an F887 in LDmicro. I built a basic program with just one coil instruction on a line to test the MCU and i dont get anything. Tried several different pins, tried other instructions. I am using a PICkit2 programmer, the chip is talking to my programmer and everything shows up. I made a quick PWM output program, just a move instruction for the duty cycle, and a PWM instruction at 1khz. Pin 16 has no output at all.Its like the program isn't running.

short summary below.

Source: 2 AA batteries into bread board
VPP voltage: 3.8V (at Pin 1 measured to VSS)
MCU: PIC16F887 40 pin DIP

I have programmed at least a dozen F88's over the last year or so, never had a problem. power up the processor, get comms, write program, compile, and down load. I must be missing something with the new controller.

Thu Sep 19 2013, 14:54:57
(no subject) (by George)
Nevermind got it
Thu Sep 19 2013, 16:52:57
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