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LDmicro Forum - Interfacing

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Interfacing (by Luis)
Hi Jonathan, I´m new in all these of electronic, and I´m not sure how to make the interfacing (hardware) from my laptop to the pic16, and I was wondering if you could help me with some diagram, thanks.

Thu Sep 5 2013, 19:44:52
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
The easiest way to do that is probably with an asynchronous serial connection. On the PIC, you can connect to the UART RX and TX pins. On the PC, you could use an old-style RS-232 serial port, or a USB port with a converter IC. You might find it easiest to use a cable like


That cable integrates a USB-to-logic-level-async-serial converter IC; so you can connect the cable's RX and TX pins directly to the micro's TX and RX pins respectively. (Note that the link above is for 5 V logic levels; you can also buy one for 3.3 V, and that should match your PIC's Vdd.)
Sat Sep 7 2013, 04:43:12
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