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LDmicro Forum - using the internal oscillator

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using the internal oscillator (by Shawn)
In your Totorial you are using an external resinator. Are you able to utilze the 16F887 interal oscillator? If so, do you set it up under the MCU Parameters?
Tue Oct 27 2009, 16:43:43
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Depending what programming software you are using, you may be able to change the fuses (configuration word) to specify a different oscillator source.

In that case, just set the "crystal frequency" to the frequency of that oscillator, and all the timing will be correct. See the datasheet for the default internal RC oscillator frequency; for the 'F887, it seems to be 4 MHz.
Tue Oct 27 2009, 23:14:21
using the internal oscillator of F887 (by Rogerdi)
Dear Jonathan Westhues,

can you give us a example how to activate internal oscillator with F887.

Tue Mar 12 2013, 14:13:17
file1 (by MGP)
Edit the hex file and change word 2007.
You can see how i do that in the attached file (1 of 3).
Tue Mar 12 2013, 15:24:59, download attachment Example_F887.jpg
file2/ Crystal8Mhz (by MGP)
Using OshonSoft program.
Tue Mar 12 2013, 15:27:39, download attachment F887_HS_8Mhz.jpg
file3/ intern osc 8Mhz (by MGP)
You can do that with other pic's as well.
I did'n tested this one, but with an 16F628a it worked fine.
Tue Mar 12 2013, 15:31:57, download attachment F887_INTOSC_8Mhz.jpg
(no subject) (by Alex)
That Oshonsoft program, how can i enable or disable pull up resistor? some example please, iit is possible with 4.2.3 but i would like to use it for another versions like 2.3v for example
Sat Sep 9 2017, 21:57:36
(no subject) (by MGP)
You can only do what you can find in the menu, so changing that register is not possible.
Mon Sep 11 2017, 05:06:31
(no subject) (by Alex)
thanks for the reply
Mon Sep 11 2017, 23:29:13
(no subject) (by sigit)
I made ldmicro program for atmega16. but after uploading the program does not work. My atmega is still new no settings that I input. can you help me to make my program work without external osc.
Tue Sep 12 2017, 06:52:09
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
Hi Sigit,

AtMega16 fuses are set by default for internal 1 MHz oscilator.

I recomend you recompile your ladder diagram for 1 MHz clock and reload it into your ATMega16.

What programmer are you using to program the ATmega?
I use STK500 and AVR studio 4
Within the is combinatin I can select the clock source and burn the fuses at will.

IF Your program does not work then write a simple flashing light program and try that.
Thu Sep 14 2017, 23:12:47
guide me how to set internal oscillator frequency to 8MHZ OR 4 MHZ OR 32KHZ FOR PIC16F886. (by Mukesh Pandey)
Please guide me how to set internal oscillator frequency to 8MHZ OR 4 MHZ OR 32KHZ FOR PIC16F886.
If internal oscillator can be set more than 8MHZ? if yes please guide for 15MHZ.
my hex file is attached
Thanks in advance
Sat Nov 25 2017, 12:16:12, download attachment 2W LI.hex
(no subject) (by MGP)
Sun Nov 26 2017, 04:43:40
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Mon Nov 27 2017, 06:12:49
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
) lost in link,

add symbol ) manually
Mon Nov 27 2017, 06:19:01
Analog indication fluctuates upto 17 counts when motor pumps is ON in both direction (by Mukesh Pandey)
Many thanks to MGP & Ihor sir for your precious guidance. I have made an indicator cum controller using analog input through LD-micro. the indication fluctuates upto 17 counts when motor pumps is ON in both direction (i.e up & down ). when pump goes OFF , readings becomes stable & fluctuates very less. please suggest remedy.
Sat Dec 9 2017, 03:08:26
(no subject) (by MGP)
First you need a stable 5V because the 5V also serves for the Vref and if it's not stable you get fluctuations.

Also use a decoupling 100nF capacitor on the PIC Vcc.

Also you can use a small program you can find in samples.zip on this forum.
I attached the extracted file.
With this program you get a smooth readout.
Sat Dec 9 2017, 04:51:56, download attachment adc-avg-scale.ld
GETTING & ERROR MESSAGE AS ( internal error at line 573 file ‘ pic 16.cpp’ ) (by Mukesh Pandey)
SIR I AM GETTING & ERROR MESSAGE AS ( internal error at line 573 file ‘ pic 16.cpp’ )

Thanks for your help
Sun Dec 17 2017, 07:30:24
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
To Mukesh Pandey

I need LD file for debug.
Sun Dec 17 2017, 14:34:36
(no subject) (by Mukesh Pandey)
Please find attached LD file. Thanks for your prompt reply
Sun Dec 17 2017, 23:52:23, download attachment 2W LIC1.ld
(no subject) (by Mukesh Pandey)
Sir Wishing u happy new year 2018. Waiting for your reply for previous LD file.
Wed Jan 3 2018, 09:40:36
(no subject) (by Mukesh Pandey)
Is there any way to use Vref- & Vref+ pins to alter analog input reference voltage by using move instruction. if yes, please guide
Thanks & Regards
Wed Jan 10 2018, 00:55:05
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