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LDmicro Forum - Problem with output

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Problem with output (by Pranjal Maheshwari)
Hey, i am using pic16f877a i am getting a different output level for false condition. I have made a simple program to check that. when ever i press a button i should get '1' i.e. 5v at output this is working properly. but when i release the button instead of getting 0v at output side I am getting a voltage of about 2.5 volts and it keeps on fluctuating. How can I overcome this problem. without overcoming this problem i cannot continue further with my project.
Sat Mar 2 2013, 14:35:11, download attachment test.ld
(no subject) (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
Hello Pranjal,
try other microcontroller pins, make sure and use the resistor input pin to ground (pull down resistor).
Sun Mar 3 2013, 08:28:53
Thanks (by Pranjal Maheshwari)
Thank you for the help. It really worked, the pull down resistor was the problem.
Mon Mar 4 2013, 13:49:25
(no subject) (by Prince)
Can u pls help explain ur hardware arrangement?
Tue Mar 5 2013, 09:35:53
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