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LDmicro Forum - 1 INput to 2 OUTputs

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1 INput to 2 OUTputs (by Jose Rodrigues)
First of all, I would like to thank Jonathan Westhues for this beautiful application ...

I wanted to ask for help from all users.
I need to a single input pin has 3 options, I explain step.
For example, if a given time "1s", gives a pulse to have AIDS if one gives 2 pulses at the same time gives the output 2, and 3 pulses der this same time "1s", gives the outputs 1 and 2 simultaneous.

Can anyone help me?? I need a circuit to my home where I only have one switch to control 2 street lights.
Wed Feb 13 2013, 17:55:17
1 INput to 2 OUTputs (by Jose Rodrigues)
First of all, I would like to thank Jonathan Westhues for this beautiful application...

I wanted to ask for help from all users.
I need to a single input pin has 3 options, I explain step...

For example, if a given time "1s" if I take a pulse at the Input have output 1, if you give 2 pulses at the same time gives the output 2, and 3 pulses this same time "1s", gives the 1 and 2 simultaneous outputs. 4 pulses or always ON Input erases Outputs.

Can anyone help me?? I need a circuit to my home where I only have one switch to control 2 street lights.
Wed Feb 13 2013, 18:08:35
(no subject) (by nobody)
Itīs a PITA doing it, but itīs possible to do that.
You need a lot of rung and things for that.
Tell me what do you exactly need and i generate it for you
using awk scripting.
Thu Feb 14 2013, 12:00:20
(no subject) (by Jose Rodrigues)
First of all thanks for your attention ...

I need to program the PIC16F628 or PIC16F88

I need a circuit to my home, where I only have one switch to control 2 street lights.

I want to use a single input pin, but with 4 options, and 2 Output. I explain the steps ...

At a preset time "1s" for example:

If I push the boton, give a pulse on input A0, and gives the output B0,
If I push the boton 2 times, I give a 2 pulses at the same time, and gives the output B1,
If I push the boton 3 times, I give a 3 pulses in the same time "1s", and gives the outputs B0 and B1 simultaneously.
4 pulses or entry B0 always ON resets the outputs.

Can you help me?
Fri Feb 15 2013, 18:32:24
(no subject) (by nobody)
Ok, here is one rung example of one similar function, adapt it
to youīr need.

Input -> input switch
Output -> output
Output0..3 -> output

Timer hold -> Output0..3 ON
Timer hold1 -> Output0..3 Off
Timer hold01 -> All outputs off
Timer hold0 -> Timeout for select Output 0-3

If the hold time of the input button is less then hold, Output is toggled.
If the button time is between hold and hold1 Output0..3 is set.
If the button time is between hold1 and hold01 Output0..3 is reset.
If the button time is more then hold01 then all outputs are immediatly deactivated.
For Output0..3 the function is set after the button is released and hold0 time is expired.
If between the long button press and the hold0 timer expiration the button is pressed, the index for output 0.3 is
advanced and roll over after the max count is reched.

This the minimal doc, if you need more understanding, ask.
Fri Feb 15 2013, 18:41:16, download attachment taster.ld
(no subject) (by nobody)
I donīt have seen youīr previous response, this is the
requested feature, i presume. I have added the functionality,
that wenn you press the button longer than 2 second, all outputs are off. Delete the timer thold01 if you donīt want it.
Fri Feb 15 2013, 19:02:52, download attachment taster_req.ld
(no subject) (by nobody)
Maybe you should add COIL RESET to case 1 and 2 .
Fri Feb 15 2013, 19:11:15
(no subject) (by Jose Rodrigues)
Sorry to reply only now ...

I appreciate your desponibilidade, well I have not seen the program but it seems to me that is not quite what I intend.

Yes it is only one input and two outputs, wherein the outputs are made to the truth table as 00, 01, 10 and 11. As would be switched in the input pulse.

I'll check more carefully and then will tell if this application is what I want.

Already a thank you for your attention.
Sun Feb 24 2013, 14:15:04
(no subject) (by Jose Rodrigues)
Good evening, I was watching over his last promenor file "taster_req.ld" and it was even served me ...

What is the purpose of Ton and reset the counter?? Deleted these two things and it seemed to me that it works better that way.
Sun Feb 24 2013, 16:56:39, download attachment taster_req2.ld
(no subject) (by Jose Rodrigues)
GGood evening, I was looking more closely at your last file "taster_req.ld" and it was even served me ...

What is the purpose of Ton and reset the counter on the second rung?? Deleted these two things and it seemed to me that it works better that way.
Sun Feb 24 2013, 17:01:24, download attachment taster_req2.ld
(no subject) (by Devel)
Thold01 serves as everything off after you press the button
longer than Thold01 time.

Hovever you should add Youtput0(R) to case 2 as i suggest you
in this thread, otherwise the sequence is not that what you want, try it with the simulator if you use the state machine.

Thold0 and resetting Cinput_cnt.
The reason is, that if you press one time, and release, output0 go on. If you press to times, output1 go on,
indipendently of previous state of cnt. The drawback is, that
there is a bit delay between the last button release and the
action. But that was what you have requested in the inital
post. Becaus this, i have reduced 1S to 700mS.

If you remove Thold0(700) and Cinput_cnt(RES), then
the whole thing become a state machine passing from one state
to the next requiring just one press to advance to the next
Mon Feb 25 2013, 09:11:58
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