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LDmicro Forum - Counter limits in LDMicro

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Counter limits in LDMicro (by Ziggy)
What are the speed limits of a counter under LDMicro?

Is there a high speed counter option?
Thu Nov 29 2012, 15:47:16
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
Hm.. no comments so far.

I guess I was a bit vague in my posting.

Let me clarify.

Given a ladder cycle setting of say 1 milisecond what is the maximum input frequency from an external source into a counter?

Is there an option of a high speed counter which would not be limited by any of the ladder configuration settings?
Sat Dec 1 2012, 20:01:28
(no subject) (by MGP)
The max speed at 1ms = 500HZ -> ( 1:0.001 ) : 2

Cycle setting 0.2ms = (1 : 1.0002) : 2 = 2500 Hz max

Otherwise you need a prescaler
Sun Dec 2 2012, 06:45:27
(no subject) (by MGP)
Sorry typo, second line must be (1 : 0.0002) : 2 = 2500 Hz
Sun Dec 2 2012, 06:47:22
(no subject) (by Ziggy)


I had visions of the counter being limited by update cycle but I had also hoped for a high speed independent of cycle time counter capability.
Sun Dec 2 2012, 17:30:39
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