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LDmicro Forum - a means of increasing the steps?

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a means of increasing the steps? (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
Mr. Jonathan, please tell me if I use a lot of steps in the image, which I call sub-lines. where you actually put several coils in parallel on the same line. "step"

Already grateful for the attention.
Mon May 14 2012, 14:02:01, download attachment EX SUB-LINHAS.ld
a means of increasing the steps? (by hotfoong)
It seems that you need to have at least 1 item on the left before the coils can be seen to shown in parallel, as shown in Line 2.

In Line 1, all the coils are turn ON all the time.
So it does not matter they are shown as sub-lines or in parallel
Thu May 17 2012, 03:15:32, download attachment EXSUB-LINHAS-2.ld
(no subject) (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
Hello friend,

I know there must be something left. I made this example to ask the number of sub-lines that can do, since ldmicro limited to 100 lines or steps. anyway thanks for the help.
Thu May 17 2012, 13:17:19
a means of increasing the steps? (by hotfoong)
Oh. I see you want to increase your program by compressing several lines into less number of lines.

In this example, Line 1 and Line 2 combined into Line 3.

This is what you have in mind?
Sat May 19 2012, 02:16:28, download attachment Squeeze.ld
(no subject) (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
yes, that's my idea because my program is only 120 lihas. (steps)

then I would know what would be the limit of it without problems.

Sat May 19 2012, 18:20:05
(no subject) (by Jean-Pierre (France))
Hello Magno Medeiros

Look the post on the forum:

"LDmicro 999 rung support" (Sun Jan 1 2012 22:00:07)
Sun May 20 2012, 05:08:39
(no subject) (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
OK! thank Jean-Pierre, this solves my problem. would be better to have a version in Portuguese, but it is too good.
Altor also to thank the MOD (asc). and take the opportunity to ask whether it would be possible to create a tool that would help a lot (ctrl + c and ctrl + v) to copy a line or part of a program? now grateful for the collaboration.
Sun May 20 2012, 19:07:13
(no subject) (by David R)
hi all
I find "LDmicro 999 rung support" vary good and hope it gets included in the next release.
Tue Jun 12 2012, 06:21:51
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
Somebody please, kindly put up a link to that "LDmicro 999 rung support"!
Sat Jun 23 2012, 17:36:23
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
Sun Jun 24 2012, 16:06:22
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