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LDmicro Forum - PIC32MX320F128

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PIC32MX320F128 (by Al Vitorillo)

Can I use this software for PIC32MX320F128. I have a chipKitUno32 using this chip.
Tue May 8 2012, 10:59:13
PIC32MX320F128 (by hotfoong)
The good news is that LDmicro supports all chips directly or indirectly.

The bad news is that it only support the following chips directly, as shown in its help manual.

LDmicro compiles ladder logic to PIC16 or AVR code. The following
processors are supported:
* PIC16F877
* PIC16F628
* PIC16F876 (untested)
* PIC16F88 (untested)
* PIC16F819 (untested)
* PIC16F887 (untested)
* PIC16F886 (untested)
* ATmega128
* ATmega64
* ATmega162 (untested)
* ATmega32 (untested)
* ATmega16 (untested)
* ATmega8 (untested)

Although it is bad news for you, you still can have some good news if you have a PIC32MX320F129 C-compiler.

LD will generate C-code and you can use your C-compiler to generate the binaries for PIC32MX320F129.

However, a sight bad news is that you need to patch in the C routines that supports various I/O and time dependent actions (read, write, a2d conversion, interval timer, etc )

Please read section "ADDITIONAL TARGETS" in LD's help file.
Thu May 17 2012, 03:48:18
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