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LDmicro Forum - Problems with 10 inputs and 32 outputs scenario on Mega128

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Problems with 10 inputs and 32 outputs scenario on Mega128 (by Ciobanu Rivelino)
Hi ,
I whish to create a scenario from 10 inputs to ouput on 32 pins.
For example : i have 2 contact inputs to drive 3 ouputs.
on 1 st contact must activate all 3 outputs.
on 2 nd contact must activate ouput 1 and 3.
if activate 1 st contact i have all 3 outputs activate it and if press 2 nd contact output 1 and 3 is deactivate it.
I wish that contacts to work togheter because if scenario 2 is in action from 2nd contact and come scenario 1 from 1st contact, all outputs must remain active.


Sun May 6 2012, 09:54:11
(no subject) (by Ciobanu Rivelino)
Mean time i think it on this , and seem to working.
Sun May 6 2012, 13:37:12, download attachment automatizare orhideea.ld
(no subject) (by ivan)
Normally in PLC program only one output address is uses in one project, except there are subrutine program.
Use latch and unlatch (set / reset) instruction for more one output in the same address.


Thu Jun 28 2012, 21:35:34
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