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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro

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LDmicro (by James Xu)
Is there any way to increase the limit of the amount of rungs, contacts and internal relays. I am working on the project with two to three hundreds of relays.
Fri Jul 15 2011, 22:55:23
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
There's an arbitrary limit of 100 rungs; but you can always combine logic into fewer rungs using parallel subcircuits, so there's no arbitrary limit on the amount of logic. The amount of logic is limited by the micro's available flash, though.

There's no arbitrary limit on the number of internal relays, but that's limited by the microcontroller's available RAM.

If you run out of flash or RAM, then try a bigger micro, for example the ATmega128.
Fri Jul 15 2011, 23:57:04
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