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LDmicro Forum - Moving the bytes in an 8-bit port on the condition

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Moving the bytes in an 8-bit port on the condition (by maxxir)
Hi Jonathan!
How to implement in the LdMicro following code:
if (PINA&0x01)
PORTB = 0x32; // Or any other value
PORTB = 0x89; // Or any other value
Can I move the byte at the condition?
Fri Jun 10 2011, 14:02:40
(no subject) (by Joao Pereira)
Hello maxxir,

You must make an converter from decimal to binary. You knwo that
----| |---| |---- this is an "AND" logic

____|---| |---|____ This is an "OR" logic
|---| |---|
Mon Jun 13 2011, 10:58:01
(no subject) (by maxxir)
I considered this way.
But it is not optimal, and not flexible.
It's not moving, and hard logic.
Tue Jun 14 2011, 14:03:28
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