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LDmicro Forum - void (*DrawChars)(int, int, char*);

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void (*DrawChars)(int, int, char*); (by Roy)
Hi Jonathan

I would like to be able to use more of the ascii characterset which is not accesable by only using " " ; In your function

void (*DrawChars)(int, int, char*);

you define the last variable as char* . I was thinking that maybe this can be altered to allow for a more flexible use of the ascii character set.

Wed Oct 6 2010, 14:19:15
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
As written, that function lets you draw any ASCII character except NUL ('\0'), or characters '\x01' through '\x03', which are used to indicate formatting options.

So there's nothing that could be altered or improved; unless you're asking about Unicode or something, which is possible but would be a big job.
Sun Oct 10 2010, 19:04:16
Extra Characters (by Roy)
Hi Jonathan

Actually I have managed to find the characters which I found using MSword. I want to use a verticle line that takes up the whole of character box "„ " and a corner line "„¡" . I can copy these charaters into the editor for the compiler . I replaced the standard ones like "+" . Howver when I compile I get an error from the compiler that this error

.\draw.cpp(267) : warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\u250C' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252)

Is there any way round this ? It seems very limiting if the compiler can allow to use the characters you can see in MSword . Is another way round to use a draw command maybe.

Thanks Again
For the help

Mon Oct 11 2010, 16:11:54
Draw command (by Roy)
Hi Jonathan

I used the CreatePen command which allows you to draw a line . You fist set the start point MoveToEx(X,Y,NULL) and then the LineTo(X,Y) which draws the line. You can choose the line width and colour with the CreatePen command

This seems to be a easier solution than trying get universal character.

Fri Oct 22 2010, 09:15:41
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