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LDmicro Forum - MODBUS RTU - LDMICRO - ( XOR)

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MODBUS RTU - LDMICRO - ( XOR) (by Jose Marķa)

As one could implement the XOR circuit with Variables?

I am writing a MODBUS communication with LDMICRO and I know very well the protocol and implementation.

Excuse my language in English is not very good.

Thank you very much!
Thu Aug 19 2010, 06:14:11
(no subject) (by Jose Maria)

To set the MODBUS communication protocol, you need to do some math with an XOR, because to calculate the CRC16 code is needed to perform mathematical operations with variables of 8 bits.

In a code developed for other applications of programming and I are working properly.

Fri Aug 27 2010, 16:22:19
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