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LDmicro Forum - abuot pic16f628

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abuot pic16f628 (by waseem asmi)
Hi thank you for this great program but I have a small note is that the controller pic16f628 analoge input is not supported by the
The second question Do you intend to support the future subsidiarity lcd screens
thank you very mutch
Mon Jul 5 2010, 06:37:10
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
The PIC16F628 does not have an A/D converter. So it is not possible to provide an analog input on that part. (It does have a comparator, which is currently unsupported; but I'm not sure if that is useful enough to bother.)

If you want to use an LCD, then I recommend a serial character LCD with the "Formatted String over UART" op.
Mon Jul 5 2010, 08:00:47
16F628A (by Kurtdennis)
What about the pic 16F628A? This is an A / D. ..
Tue Jul 6 2010, 18:57:30
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
No, the 16F628A doesn't have an A/D either. LDmicro cannot support hardware that doesn't exist.
Tue Jul 6 2010, 22:00:06
Comparator (by Alexandre Nolasco)
Hey guys , The pic16f628a has a analogic comparator . Not a A/D . Is different .
Fri Jul 9 2010, 03:39:17
(no subject) (by Kurtdennis)
how to get access to this feature?
Fri Jul 9 2010, 11:21:28
(By Samuel Medeiros) (by Samuel Medeiros)
I'll try with another PIC, thanks
Wed Oct 20 2010, 09:06:15
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