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LDmicro Forum - Interfacing PIC with EEPROM

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Interfacing PIC with EEPROM (by Evan Raftery)
Is it possible to interface a PIC with an EEPROM & write data values to it from LDmicro. Also can the EEPROM be used to hold a larger program.
Sat Jun 26 2010, 22:36:12
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
There is no straightforward way to do so, and there is definitely no way to execute code out of an external EEPROM (since LDmicro compiles to native PIC or AVR code, and these parts are capable of running only from their internal flash).

But look at the "Make Persistent" op, which can use the micro's internal EEPROM to store a variable.
Sat Jun 26 2010, 22:39:37
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
In an event whereby EPROM failure is unacceptable, could there be a recommended manner of detecting that an EPROM is almost exhausted? Or one has to just use a register in the same EPROM, and increment it whenever saving data to it, until register =maximum trustable value? Then give an alarm?
Sun Jun 27 2010, 05:38:14
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
If you're worried, then save it twice (in two separate locations, with two separate variables), and compare the values. If they're not equal, then raise the alarm.
Sun Jun 27 2010, 09:07:40
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
Brilliant! Thanks Mr Westhues.
Sun Jun 27 2010, 14:07:03
16f877 (by manuel)
queria saber si algien me puede decir como puedo escribir
los codigos dela eeprom con ldmicro para el pic 16f877
tengo un programa que es un reloj y no queria que por fata de
enegia electri me perdiara la hora
si algien sabe como hacerlo agradeceri muchisimo
Fri Nov 6 2020, 11:12:27
(no subject) (by MGP)
Without power supply, the 16F887 still stops, the use of the eeprom memory does not change anything.
You need a bachup power supply that will kick in when the voltage drops.
Sat Nov 7 2020, 07:47:08
Interfaz de PIC con EEPROM (by paulino)
Conclusion: you can make parts of the program in each pic and communicate them through Uart, i2c Note: for i2c you should see how to do it since it takes part of c ++ code (Libraries made by Jines Fransua)

Puedes comunicar varios pic 16f877 por tx-rx y podrás tener el programa como quieras de capacidad, si quieres que cuando no haya energía guarde debes colocar una pila como llevan las Placas de Pc (ordenadores).Las hay de varios voltaje 1,2,3,5 etc.
Mon Nov 30 2020, 14:12:04
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