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LDmicro Forum - LDmicroCompiler.exe

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LDmicroCompiler.exe (by BoumPower)
I released a beta version of LDmicroCompiler.exe, a command line compiler for ladder logic files.


All elements are not yet implemented : it work with blink.ld demo file, but surely not with all demo.

two options work fine :
/f:c output "c" code
/f:ld2 output new .ld2 file format

Now my software structure is well (object oriented) and I will continue to write all elements.

I open the debate (please use tracker on SourceForge if you have advanced topics) on this new LDmicroCompiler :

- is the "c" output well for people using it ?
- add a count down feature to all counter/timer elements ?
- add new elements ?
- .LD2 file format ?
- more ??

I'm working on command line compiler, but I will be happy to have contact with people working on the graphic editor, to include all these improvments to the LDmicro editor.
Wed May 12 2010, 08:01:03
native C++ (by alex312)
please sorry for my english.

It is hard for you write ldcompiler on native C++ without .NET(managed C++) ?
I think , wtite on native C++ with open sourse libs like boots it is right.
Sun May 16 2010, 10:24:03
(no subject) (by BoumPower)
Sorry also for my english (I'm french speaking)

I don't know... I'm beginner with C++ and I started with the same tool as for LDmicro.

For the moment, I can't spend time, I must finish a working release for my project.

But after, I will try to port it with Qt4, I also dislike the .net of microsoft
Sun May 23 2010, 15:18:15

I am interested in making a few changes to the source code of Ldmicro . I want to make it more specific for the processore I have chosen the PIC16f877A. What compiler I should use ?

Mon May 24 2010, 06:11:29
(no subject) (by BoumPower)
Jonathan Westhues respond to you in a other thread...

But I'm interested by your changes for PIC16F877A...
I use this processor family, I will make my compiler able to produce code for PIC16Fxxx and PIC18Fxxx through a new Virtual Machine code and a macro assembler.

All idea will be welcome !

Best regards
Mon May 24 2010, 10:58:04
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