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LDmicro Forum - reading table example.

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reading table example. (by latetech)
i need to replace my elevator 7segments display with moving message using 5*7 dot matrix display, counting up with moving up and counting down with moving down.

is there any one help me with an example be using reading tables???
Mon Nov 13 2023, 16:57:45
(no subject) (by MGP)
Here is an example of how to use numbers in a lookup table.
This was made for a hobby railway.

The zip file contains all the information I have about that project and you will have to develop it further yourself.

In the video you see a 40 year old 8x8 matrix that was later replaced by a modern 7x5 version.
Good luck with that

Tue Nov 14 2023, 07:17:35, download attachment 7x5 display.zip
(no subject) (by ammarl)
Dear MGP,
thanks a lot this was very helpful for me.
Wed Nov 15 2023, 05:55:13
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