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LDmicro Forum - Finding a device

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Finding a device (by Henri)

I've read with a lot of interest all the info published here, and I am really impressed.

I am currently, in a pragmatic approach, trying to replicate a RFID tag for the underground parking where I have a reserved slot. This is to be able to share with my brother, I don't want to request and pay for a copy... After many unsuccesfull tries, I am now "in the game" and would like to succeed at cloning this hell of tag. :-)

Note: I successfully cloned my building's entry hall tag using the MCT and the set of keys coming with it. Unfortunately, for the garage tag, MCT says "error - none of the keys allow reading..." or somethink like this.

So, I need something allowing me to find the key for the garage tag, and if I understood well, your ProximarIII should be the solution for this.

I have IT and electronics background but wouldn't like to spend the time and effort build a PCB just for this (and yes, in addition, I'm lazy :-D).

By chance, would you know whether I have a chance to find such a device ready for use and order it (on Aliexpress or other ...), and if yes, which one ?

Early thanks for your help !
Mon Aug 21 2023, 05:36:05
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