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LDmicro Forum - Makepersist instruction for ATMEGA8

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Makepersist instruction for ATMEGA8 (by MedTronic)
dear all my friend
finaly after too much test and very hard work i now define the problem and explain every thing with detailes at the next vedio
please help to solve the problem to can use the last ldmicro version with makepersist instruction

again please help me
the vedio like :

any comment will be good

best regards
Sat Jun 10 2023, 13:11:02, download attachment test_persist.ld
(no subject) (by paulino (Calubert))
Modifico tu programa, tienes que ver que las variables en LODMicro, antiguos se colocan al reves,
como puedes ver, en la simulacion en la parte inferior veras como los persistentes se guardan.

y la verdad que no entiendo muy bien tu problema, ya que creo que tienes muchas oras en programacion con LDMicro.

Esto es un ejemplo: por fravor cuando descargen el LDMicro la version (que sea) mirar el manual que esta en varios idiomas ya que cada version tiene su manual, yo solo puedo dar servicios a manuales en castellano (Espaņol) ya que soy uno el que realizo las traduciones de LDMicro para castellano y la version Fransua que esta version se hizo de frances al castellano.

I modify your program, you have to see that the variables in LODMicro, old are placed upside down,
As you can see, in the simulation at the bottom you will see how the persistent ones are saved.

And the truth is that I don't understand your problem very well, since I think you have many hours in programming with LDMicro.

This is an example: please, when you download the LDMicro version (whatever it is), look at the manual, which is in several languages, since each version has its manual, I can only provide services for manuals in Spanish (Spanish) since I am one of the who made the translations of LDMicro for Spanish and the French version that this version was made from French to Spanish
Mon Jun 12 2023, 09:13:27, download attachment test_persistMPaulino.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
It is an old problem that can only be fixed by a programmer like Ihor.


The bug is in the sourcecode of LDmicro.

Since there is no one here who can develop LDmicro, this will remain an unsolvable problem, unfortunately.
Mon Jun 12 2023, 09:33:19
To Ihor (by MedTronic)
dear Ihor or any respected programmer please us to solve this problem even for atmega8
best regards
Wed Jun 14 2023, 15:54:44
Prueva (by paulino (Calubert)
hola megatronic te adjunto el programa que veras que funciona con LDMicro, yo no te puedo agudar con la simulacion con proteus .
pero si lo haces a Decimal .HEX
te funcionara ya que yo te lo hice.
ves dando pulsos cuando quieras guarda dar al pulso guardar y se guardara el numero que tenga en ese momento el contador.
este tema para mi ya estaba cerrado.
y no tengas terror todo se puede consegir.

me gustaria que me indicaras si te funciona
Fri Jun 16 2023, 08:32:14, download attachment PresistTestPaulinoMegatronic.ld
(no subject) (by paulino (Calubert)
yo tengo la version 32-5.5a-es
Fri Jun 16 2023, 08:39:57
(no subject) (by MedTronic)
dear all my friends
i test your program with the version 32-5.5a-es and the problem is the same .... your program working very well with only the version 4.2.0
please help me
Fri Jun 16 2023, 16:25:46
(no subject) (by Paulino)
tienes esta Libreria en tu sistema para LDMicro En (C).
busca la libreria y adjuntala con tu proyecto

Sun Jun 18 2023, 03:49:41
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Fransua es el que configuro LDMicro, para poder crear librerias, En (C), con la version 32-5.5, esta version es bastante estable,
mirate como se crean las librerias en los manuales,creo que estan en Ingles, Frances Y castellano (espaņol).
yo creo programas con librerias y las aņado en el proyecto.
mi ejemplo es que yo hago las librerias para el SMP32 de Wifi y aņado la libreria de LDMicro a mi proyecto y siempre me han funcionado.

yo porlo que creo de ti es que saves usar LDMicro, bastante de dicate a estudiar como colocar librerias en tu proyecto.

Fransua is the one that configured LDMicro, to be able to create libraries, In (C), with version 32-5.5, this version is quite stable,
Look at how the libraries are created in the manuals, I think they are in English, French and Castilian (Spanish).
I create programs with libraries and add them to the project.
My example is that I make the libraries for the Wifi SMP32 and I add the LDMicro library to my project and they have always worked for me.

For what I think of you is that you know how to use LDMicro, enough to dedicate yourself to studying how to place libraries in your project.
Sun Jun 18 2023, 04:01:31
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Mira si en proteus tienes estas 2 librerias

Sun Jun 18 2023, 04:19:02
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