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LDmicro Forum - floating point math

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floating point math (by Juan)
Dear Jonathan,

Is it possible to extend the integer math to single precision float? I know this will use allot of extra memory but the pros far out weigh the cons.

Also, is it possible to add a tutorial on how to add a PIC16F?

I have a bit of knowledge using C++.
Wed Apr 28 2010, 05:06:58
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
It would certainly be possible to do so; but the overhead would be very significant, as you note. I would be more concerned about the additional execution time than the RAM.

To add a new PIC16F, it is necessary to create an entry for it in mcutable.h; this specifies basic information like the pinout and RAM and flash sizes. Then some changes will likely be required in pic16.cpp, to account for variations in the peripheral (PWM, ADC, EEPROM, ...) register map and operation.
Mon May 3 2010, 04:27:34
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