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LDmicro Forum - problems with Timers

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problems with Timers (by Ilie)
Timers of software do not correspond with reality , on output I have a led and watched the clock.
Pin soft time Realy Time
33 6 sec 1.35 min (95 sec)
34 50x60=3000ms(3sec) 1min(60sec)
I do not understand why, in reality (physical) on electronic board are differences over the software program ?
Mon Apr 5 2010, 13:37:18, download attachment Check timeres.ld
(no subject) (by Ilie)

I hope to understand

Pin______________soft time____________ Realy Time
33_______________ 6 sec ________________1.35 min (95 sec)
34______________ 50x60=3000ms(3sec)____ 1min(60sec)
Mon Apr 5 2010, 13:43:28
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
My guess would be that the processor is not running with the clock frequency that you specified to LDmicro.

In particular, note that it's running around 6/95 ~ 1/16 as fast as you expected. You specified a clock frequency of 16 MHz, so that corresponds to an actual clock frequency of 1 MHz.

This is exactly what would happen if you neglected to program the fuses, since the ATmega32 runs off a 1 MHz RC oscillator by default. Check CKSEL, and the rest of the configuration bits.
Mon Apr 5 2010, 23:50:51
(no subject) (by Ilie)

Thank you veri much Jonathan .
And hopefully return with result.
I check .
Tue Apr 6 2010, 11:27:12
(no subject) (by Ilie)

Please tell me where should I check CKSEL in setings AVRdude or ...
I use it to write.
Thank you
Tue Apr 6 2010, 13:53:00, download attachment Averdude.JPG
(no subject) (by Ilie)

Thanks so much for kindness, I do with avrstudio with picture settings and push progam.
It work for that long time, but I did, the settings are on the external quartz 16mhz.
Thank you veri much.
Tue Apr 6 2010, 15:29:00, download attachment Avrstudio Fuse.JPG
no subject (by simon)
ilie incearca asta .
Tue Apr 6 2010, 16:23:03, download attachment avr_dude.JPG
(no subject) (by Ilie)
Thank you Simon
Wed Apr 7 2010, 11:45:37
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