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LDmicro Forum - PWM on 16F877A

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PWM on 16F877A (by Zoran)
Why is freq on pins 16 and 17 the same and in ld one is 620Hz and other 2400Hz output freq is 620Hz.
Sun Feb 2 2020, 06:07:19, download attachment PWM Etiketirka linije RevB.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
== Release 4.1.1

* Fixed: SET PWM Timer1 at PIC. When two CCP modules are in a PWM mode,
Timer2 is the time-base for both PWM1 and PWM2 outputs. You must use
the same base PWM frequency for both SET PWM DUTY CYCLE elements.

Only the dutycycle can be differend.
Sun Feb 2 2020, 07:19:19
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