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LDmicro Forum - arduino driver for lcd 16x2

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arduino driver for lcd 16x2 (by Alex)
Hello i was testing Arduino example code called "SerialDisplay",
took the idea from here:


i could save some memory space, like 4% or 5%, intead of doing with Pic16f628a driver for lcd,

the "problem" is that i canīt manage to set values in row 2 or make 2 columns, I canīt understand at all the commands from ldmicro (\r\n\t)to do that.

I made a video that shows a 100 counter so i have to set \3\r\n but when i do that message appears for a little moment then it dessapears, but if i use \2\n\r it works ok but it will not be able to see number 100.

Mon Dec 2 2019, 17:02:03, download attachment serial_display_test.ld
(no subject) (by Alex)
you can get the "SerialDisplay" arduino code from, examples->LiquidCrystal->SerialDisplay, i attach the arduino hex for arduino uno.
Mon Dec 2 2019, 17:05:58, download attachment arduino_serial_display.ino.hex
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