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LDmicro Forum - exspantion I/O

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exspantion I/O (by hasan)
dear all
how can I make i/o for exspantion mani input end output
exsample for input 32 point,end output 32point.
Fri Feb 5 2010, 11:07:55
(no subject) (by MAX)
Do you want these expansion to be local or remote ?
Wed Feb 10 2010, 11:05:19
(no subject) (by Jose Rodrigues)
Remote as cool...
Fri Aug 24 2012, 21:38:39
Expansion IO (by jimson james)
YES you can use two microcontroller, one is for input and another is for output...using microcontroller i recommend to use atmega128 for wider memory capacity. connecting them using uart... input will transmit the ascii code to receive by the output microcontroller.... and the the output will transmit back the logic to acknowledge the data has been transmitted...
Sat Aug 25 2012, 04:56:10
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