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LDmicro Forum - pic16f887

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pic16f887 (by Milan)
Hi! I have a problem using my pic 16f887...
when i writhe program in old version 2.3- work just fine,but when i writhe that same code in new version -dont work.
Here is that simple code...
Tue May 15 2018, 03:46:03, download attachment pwm.old.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
That is 'normal', if you used the PWM function in the past you have to rewrite the entire program.
I did this with all my programs with PWM in it.
Tue May 15 2018, 07:01:04
(no subject) (by Milan)
i rewrite that in new version and i program my pic, but stil not working...
Tue May 15 2018, 07:43:04
(no subject) (by MGP)
Upload your new LD program.
Tue May 15 2018, 07:47:24
(no subject) (by Milan)
here it is...
Tue May 15 2018, 11:07:36, download attachment pwm.new.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
You set the dutycycle on 7bits and your adc = 10 bits?

Attached a program that should work.
Tue May 15 2018, 12:24:50, download attachment pwm.new_V2.ld
(no subject) (by Milan)
I find problem...it is a bug or something like that...i try to give analog input on RA0 (even if in code stand RA1) on my development board, and work fine...and when i writh R0 in the code- everething is ok then too.
And i notice that no matter what i select in code for ADinput (RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3....)RA0 is the pin who drive the PWM
Tue May 15 2018, 13:03:19
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Attention: Releases - has the bug with PIC's MCU READ_ADC: only RA0 analog input is available!
Will be fixed in v4.3.9.4
Wed May 16 2018, 04:53:12
(no subject) (by Milan)
tnx for answer...
Wed May 16 2018, 05:45:19
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Wed May 16 2018, 12:09:24
(no subject) (by Milan)
it is OK now...TNX Ihor Nehrutsa
Wed May 16 2018, 13:00:04
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