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LDmicro Forum - Blink a led 5 times adding +50ms

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Blink a led 5 times adding +50ms (by Julio)
Hello i'm from Brazil.

Hope you are nice!

I need to do an application that is:

Blink a led 5 times with 50ms, blink the same led again 5 times but now i need add +50ms.......... , go this loop adding +50ms until to 500ms.

Could you help me, i don't know how can i solve this logic.

Thanks in advance
Wed Oct 21 2015, 12:27:51
(no subject) (by MGP)
We don't have enough information.

How are you going to add 50 mS? with a button or with the software?
And after those 500 ms back to the 5mS ? or also substract 50mS with a button?
Fri Oct 23 2015, 09:36:37
(no subject) (by Julio)

first sorry for delay, I have traveled for business, now i'm back

I will controller by software i don't have any button at my application.

After 500ms the application needs return to 50ms again.

It's means a loop.


step one - blink led 5 times with 50ms
step two - blink led 5 times with 100ms
step tree - blink led 5 times with 150ms
step four - ..........

return to step one

thats it :)
Sun Nov 1 2015, 09:58:29
(no subject) (by MGP)
Here you have your program and I hope it works ;)

Good luck
Tue Nov 3 2015, 04:19:55, download attachment ringcounter50_500ms.ld
(no subject) (by Julio)

Thats it :)

I made by myself as attached file, it's litle bit different, but your code is perfect, i can adapt at my logical.

Thank you so much MGP

Greats from Brazil
Tue Nov 3 2015, 16:23:07, download attachment teste_programa.ld
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