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LDmicro Forum - Compiling ldmicro

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Compiling ldmicro (by Cabecavil)
Hi friend
Someone could make a video showing how to make a compilation of the ldmico.
already I tried many times and can never

Thank you
Fri Dec 20 2013, 14:08:35
Compiling ldmicro (by MUSTAFA CAKIR)
Hi friend. I have just prepared a video for compiling ldmicro file to hex file. I hope this will be useful for you.

Sat Dec 21 2013, 14:02:25
(no subject) (by Cabecavil)

but I would like to compile the source program source ldmicro

thank you
Wed Dec 25 2013, 11:19:05
(no subject) (by David R)
Hi I have compiled Ldmicro in the past, I will see if i have the software I will try to make a video next week.
Kind Regards
Wed Dec 25 2013, 17:55:13
(no subject) (by Cabecavil)
thank you very much
Fri Dec 27 2013, 13:36:35
I would like to know how to compile the source code (by camilo)
I installed everything I could, from perl to visual c + + 2013 including Visual Studio, and I could not compile it, I get errors like "mv is not an external command" and so I need it urgently, can I be help ? ...
Sun Dec 29 2013, 01:21:46
Repuesta a como compilar (by felix)
facil, solo tienes que instalar los programas adecuados, visual estudio, visual c++, perl, y lo mas importante si tienes windows, unxutils.zip instala todo, investiga como instalar unxutils.zip, busca con el buscador de windows el "simbolo del sistema para desarrolladores vs20XX" cuando lo abras escribe la hubicacion de la carpeta de fuente, te recomiendo que la guardes en d:, si lo haces escribe lo siguiente
cd D:\ldmicro-rel2.2\ldmicro\ [enter]
d: [enter]
y luego escribe la palabra "make" para compilar, espera y listo si lo hiciste todo bien, ya lo tendras compilado en la carpeta ldmicro :) casi no lo logro, ahora sigue la edición, espero haberte ayudado
Wed Jan 1 2014, 21:50:59
(no subject) (by Cabecavil)
friend thank you for helping
the big problem is the configuration of the programs, I already I tried few times and it never worked ...
Fri Jan 3 2014, 19:14:28
(no subject) (by felix)
amigo estoy preparando un vídeo tuto para compilar ldmicro, para ayudarte a ti y a muchos otros, no quiero que tengan que matarse instalando virus en el pc como yo :/, pronto lo tendré listo, espero recordar terminarlo; pero a mi punto de vista no tienes que configurar ningún programa, ni siquiera abrir el visual estudio, solo abrir el archivo make.bat con el símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores de visual estudio 20xx y listo; cuando lo termine te aviso :)

si no has podido compilar y tienes un windows vista, 7, 8 0 8.1 de 64 bytes "X64" y tienes instalado el visual estudio 2012 descomprime el codigo fuente en el disco local D: y ejecuta la aplicacion anexada :) espero te funcione....
Sun Jan 5 2014, 19:16:32, download attachment make.rar
(no subject) (by felix)
jajaja no te pase el programa completo, ese de arriba solo me funciona a mi :D he aquí la version completa :3
Wed Jan 8 2014, 21:04:45, download attachment Make LDmicro.rar
(no subject) (by Cabecavil)
hello Friend
thanks for the help
I tried but did not work
I guess that did not work because my system is windows 7 64bit
Mr. could make a video showing the compilation
Thank you very much
Thu Jan 9 2014, 13:02:13
(no subject) (by ali)
thanks felix
we will be glade if you make a video showing the comilation
Fri Jan 10 2014, 03:38:35
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