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LDmicro Forum - Analog Read

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Analog Read (by Nasr)
Hi Sir,

Is there any possibility to feed numbers directly into analog read, rather than using slider in simulation. Since in slider the displacement is interns of 14,28,. OR How can i make make the slider displacement to 1. so i can set the values more perfectly like 255, 10 etc. which cannot be set using slider.

Please Help...

Thanks in Advance
Fri Jul 19 2013, 01:07:36
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
How about using a normal register, with ADD and SUB functions manipulating the contents of the register? It should serve the purpose cause you can also set the increment/decrement you want therein. all the best.
Sat Jul 20 2013, 22:33:35
(no subject) (by Ronaldo)
can use Proteus with keys bcd, and DAC
Sun Aug 11 2013, 20:17:51
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